This type of tissues which consists of one or more type of cells work together. Aur performs a common function is called complex tissue. There are two types of complex tissue xylem and phloem help in the foot transfer rotation and conduction of water in plants.
- Xylem is the water and salutes conducting tissue in plants. Due to his , some dead elements give mechanical support to the plant.
- Except for xylem parenchyma, all other elements are dead elements.
- Xylem has four elements vessels, Tracheids, xylem parenchyma, and xylem fibers.
- These elements in the transfer operation of water and Minerals in a vertical direction.
- Conduction of water takes place in one direction.
Xylem: (wood)
It is double-walled hard and dead tissue responsible for the conducting of water from the root to the leaves and composed of four elements as follows.
- The tracheids are the longest cell with tapping and these are dead cells and lacking protoplast at the maturity this looks like Empty lumens.
- The walls are hard and usually lignified in the gymnosperms and Pteridophyta therefore men bulk of xylem Give mechanical support to the plant body.
Vessel Tracheae:
- These are long tube-like the structure of whose partition was totally dissolved cell wall is thick and hard and long confined
- Their function is the conduction of water freely from cells to the cell.
- These cells give mechanical strength to plant much found in angiosperms.
Xylem fibers:
- It consists of long narrow pointed dead-end sclerenchyma cells that mechanical strength of xylem and various organs of the plant body.
- They are much elongated and have dead cells with lignified walls.
Xylem parenchyma:
consists of more or less elongated that prepare thin and thick-walled it is found both in primary and secondary xylem the main function of the cell is the support and conduction of storage.
- Phloem tissues occur throughout the plant body it is concerned with the conduction of storage of food with support like phloem is complex and consists. Dour elements solve
- Tube companion cells, phloem fibers, and phloem parenchyma, .
- Unlike the xylem and phloem, conduct the food in both directions it is responsible for the transport of food from Leaf to the other parts of the plant.
- Except for fiber, all elements are living.
Sieve tubes:
These are Slender elongated living cells with thin-walled and are placed one above the other canvas have a number of perforation forming at least place through which conduction of food material longitudinal direction take place nucleus is absent.
Companion cells:
- These are associated with these tools and lie side by side with them.
- these are thin-walled longitude sell these cells help the seas tube in the conduction of food.
- Contains a presence gradient in the sieve tube these are absent in pteridophytes and gymnosperms.
Phloem parenchyma:
- They may be Elongated appointed screen lyrical in shape they contained oil, starch, terminal mucilage, etc
- The cells of phloem parenchyma Le by the side of sieve tubes they perform the function of storage translocation of food substance.
Phloem fibers: (blast fibers)
The phloem fibers sclerenchyma cells occur primary and secondary phloem the walls of these are lignified the fiber made in not separated and may be living or nonliving at the maturity. They perform a mechanical function.
Thanks for Reading
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